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Examples of Our Work

Project examples that we've had the pleasure to deliver.

Aging and Relationships across Generations for National and International Companies and Organizations

The Challenge - Convert an established face-to-face training about inter-generational relationships primarily for undergraduate students to a training series that can be used to teach adults. 


The Solution - We developed an instructor guide and corresponding participant manual for a face-to-face training that educated employees in businesses, healthcare and aging organizations on long-held attitudes about aging and relationships across generations. Multiple sets of instructor guides and participant manuals were created with a corresponding facilitator guide that allowed for the use of adult learning.


The Result - This face-to-face training is currently being sold as a train-the-trainer package for hospitals, corporations and other human service organizations in the U.S. and international locations.

Start-up Technology Company Needed to Provide Consultation and Training for University Faculty to Incorporate their New Technology both from a Technical and Pedagogical Standpoint

The Challenge - A startup technology company that develops new software that makes student readings about social learning needed to find a process to assist faculty in using their new educational technology. They needed to help faculty integrate the tool into their existing learning management system. They needed to train current and future faculty and students on how to use and achieve the most benefit from the learning analytics and measure the learning that results from the use of the product.


​The Solution - HWH assessed the training requirements for the software. We determined that a user manual would be most effective as an initial training format for both faculty and student users. However, as faculty users grew, it was determined that one-to-one consultation was needed so that faculty could determine the best methods for incorporating the software in their classes for effective learning.  


The Results - We identified a resource to create the manual that is now used by faculty and students. A librarian, that provides multiple tiers of service, was placed to assist faculty in curating content and incorporating them into their collegiate courses. Instructional Designers from HWH are paired with faculty to assist in the technology and pedagogical integration.

consultation for new educational software for a University


22 E-training Modules for Teaching "21st-Century Skills" to Preschool teachers


​The Challenge - "21st-century skills" generally refers to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world*. A company that supports the learning of preschool teachers wanted them to teach these "21st century skills to their students. Many of the preschool teachers did not have these skills themselves and could not effectively teach them.


​The Solution - HWH developed the content and incorporated it into 22 e-learning modules to train the teachers. 


​The Result - Over 800 teachers were successfully trained and 21st century skills are a regular component in the preschool curriculum. 


*Rich, E. (2010) How do you define 21st-Century Learning? One question. Eleven answers. Education Week, Online Summit, Personalized Learning, Teacher PD Sourcebook. Retrieved from on November 4, 2019.

Children playing using 21st Century skils Learning solution

​Microlearning Modules to Reduce Stress ​


The Challenge - A client in the social sciences required a program to educate adults in a wellness program on how to manage stress.


​The Solution - HWH developed sixteen 1-minute e-learning modules and one longer 15 minute e-learning module from evidence-based content provided by the client. The modules are mobile-friendly and compatible with any device.  


​The Results - The modules were incorporated into their wellness program and the adult learners were educated on stress management.

man using e-learning module for reducing stress

31 College Courses Converted from Face-to-Face to Hybrid Format

The Challenge- A college needed assistance with going from face-to-face curricular formats to hybrid learning after experiencing the 2020 pandemic. They needed it to be done in a way that allowed for courses to be reloaded from one semester to the next.


The Solution- HWH developed online courses for two master’s degree programs, which involved the development of 31 courses. The courses were developed into a content management system (CMS) provided by the college, with the ability to be reloaded each semester into their current Learning Management System (LMS). HWH provided resources for faculty on accessibility and copyright guidelines. We also provided faculty development on how to use the CMS. The administration is provided a weekly update on the status of courses, and work with faculty.


The results- The college continues working with us, and is adding more courses to the hybrid format each semester.

Online Class

Consultation, LMS Implementation, and Virtual Training Programs for a Property Appraisal Company

The problem- A property appraisal company needed a more formal process for training analysts, appraisers, and other employees. They wished to provide custom training on proprietary software used only in their field. In addition, they wished to provide new employees with onboarding training to get them off on the right foot early in their experience.


The solution- Initially, the project included consulting services to guide the customer in the strategic planning process to plan training services for the company’s workforce. After a time HWH Learning Solutions guided the company in bringing up a Learning Management System (LMS). New and existing training was made ready for employees to use in the LMS.


The result- The appraisal company shifted into a virtual training environment, which led to a training tool for their appraisal management system, onboarding, and other company-wide training initiatives.


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