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Heidi Watson-Held, D.Ed.

Professional Portfolio




D. Ed, Administration and Leadership Studies – Higher Education, December 2012. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA. Graduated Summa Cum Laude, 3.75 GPA. Doctoral Dissertation, “Promoting Adult Student Success at Four-Year Higher Education Institutions”.


M.Ed., Adult Education, December 2003. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Graduated Summa Cum Laude, 3.87 GPA. Master’s Paper, “Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Field: Professional Development Methods of Workplace Literacy Educators”


Certificate in Adult Education, June 2000. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Emphasis in Human Resource Development and Workplace Learning


B.S., Elementary Education, December 1994. East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA (ESU). Minor in Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology 


Continued Training

Summer/Fall, 2017: Invited attendee to the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning. In-process Leadership Project to be completed in November 2017.

Spring, 2017: attended AACSB International Curriculum Development Series, Cleveland OH.

Spring, 2017: attended Online Learning Consortium Innovate Conference, Virtual.

Fall, 2016: attended Online Learning Consortium Accelerate Conference in Orlando, FL.

Summer, 2016: attended Penn State Web Conference

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