Providing usable, real solutions for your curriculum or training challenges.
Heidi Watson-Held, D.Ed.
Professional Portfolio
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Publications, Presentations and Trainings
Visit my Google Scholar Profile here!
Watson-Held, H., Grodziak, E., & Gray, J. (2024) Promoting Positive Instructional Designer and Faculty Relations: A Case Study from a State University, Journal of Educators Online, Pheonix, AZ. (*Accepted, Publication Pending in January 2024).
Watson-Held, H.A. (2015) Promoting Adult Student Success at Four-Year Higher Education Institutions in Proceedings of the 56th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Manhattan, KS: University of Kansas. p. 360
Laing, L., & Watson, H. (2014) The University Climate for Adult Students: Cloudy with a Chance of Success in Culp, M., and Dungy, G., Increasing Adult Learner Persistence and Completion Rates, NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 418, Washington, DC 20009.
Watson, H., & Carman, P. (2001). America Reads Campus Coordinators Training Manual. Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Pennsylvania State University.
Van Horn, B., Carman, P., & Watson H. (2000) Framework for Work-based Foundation Skills User’s Manual, Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Pennsylvania State University.
Van Horn, B., Carman, P., & Watson H. (2000). Recommendations for Implementation of Basic Skills Certificates in Pennsylvania. Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Pennsylvania State University.
National Library of Poetry (1993). The Coming of Dawn. A compilation of poems from The National Library of Poetry, Washington, DC. Poem: “Untitled.”
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2023, February) Planning Blended Learning: Using a “Quality” Course Template, 15th annual Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment.- Invited Speaker
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2022, November) Planning Blended Learning: Using a “Magical” Course Template, OLC Accelerate.
Watson-Held H., (2022, July) Integrating Project Management With Instructional Design: Using Trello To Effectively Manage Your Course Design, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA
Watson-Held H., (2021, October) Integrating Project Management With Instructional Design: Using Trello To Effectively Manage Your Course Design, OLC Accelerate, Washington, DC
Watson-Held H., (2021, October) Enhancing Faculty Capacity To Create Learning And Manage The Online/Remote Classroom, OLC Accelerate, Washington, DC
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2021, October) Hearing Students’ Voices Midstream, OLC Accelerate, Washington, DC
Watson-Held H., (2021, July) The Future of Learning and Design Post-Pandemic, Panel Moderator, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, Online University Park, PA
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2021, July) The Magic of Blended Course Assessment, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, Online University Park, PA
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2020, November) Preparing Faculty for Blended Course Assessment, OLC Accelerate and Velocity, Online
Watson-Held H., Edel- Malizia S. (2020, November) Preparing Faculty for Blended Course Assessment, ITLC Lilly Online Conference, Online
Watson-Held H., (2020, July) Using Active Learning Methods for Innovation in the eLearning/Online Classrooms, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA
Watson-Held H., (2020, July) Best Practices for Implementing Performance Assessment in the Online Classroom, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA
Watson-Held H., (2020, July) Using Video Conferencing Technology to Facilitate Successful Synchronous Learning Sessions, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA
Watson-Held, H., Kohler, M. (2020, June) Bridging the Gap between User Experience and Learning Experience Design, OLC Innovate, Online.
Watson-Held, H., (2019, November) Using Video Conferencing Technology to Facilitate Successful Synchronous Learning Sessions, OLC Accelerate, Conference, Orlando, FL.
Watson-Held, H., Nordstrom, P. (2019, November) Best Practices for Implementing Performance Assessment in the Online Classroom, OLC Accelerate, Conference, Orlando, FL.
Watson-Held, H., Gray, J. (2019, November) Active Learning Methods for eLearning, OLC Accelerate, Conference, Orlando, FL.
Watson-Held, H., (2019, February) Active Learning Methods for eLearning, eLearning 2019 Conference, Las Vegas, AZ.
Watson-Held, H. (2018, July) Learning Designer as New Faculty: The realities of engaged learning, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA.
Watson-Held, H. (2017, July) Using Project Management Methods in Course Development, Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp, University Park, PA, Handout
Watson-Held, H. Ford, R. (2017, March) Faculty Spotlight: Large Enrollment Challenges and Opportunities, Canvas Day, University Park, PA, Handout
Watson-Held, H. (2016, November) Stakeholder Management with Project Plans and MOUs., Penn State Project Management Conference, University Park, PA, Handout
Watson-Held, H. (2015, May) Promoting Adult Student Success at Four-Year Higher Education. Institutions, Adult Education Research Conference, Manhattan, KS
Watson, H. (2014, October) Designing Learning for Military Families facing Deployment, National Council for Family Relations, Baltimore, MD
Watson, H. (2012) Using SharePoint as a Learning Management System, Network of Trainers Summer Event, University Park, PA
Watson, H. (2012) Technology Innovations in Training, Network of Trainers Summer Event, University Park, PA
Watson, H., & Heckle, M. (2011, August) Using Wiki in Training, Network of Trainers Summer Event, University Park, PA
Watson, H. (2011, March) Using Wikis in the Continuing Education Classroom, Pennsylvania Association of Adult and Continuing Education, University Park, PA
Watson, H. (2010, March) Integrating Adobe into the Conferencing Environment, Penn State Conferences and Institutes, University Park, PA
Watson, H. (2010, February) Integrating Social Networking Services into Adult Learning and Conferences, Penn State Conferences and Institutes, University Park, PA
Watson, H. & Venatta, S. (2008, October). Assessing Dispositions in Higher Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.
Watson, H. (2009, September). The Health Sciences at Penn State: An Update, Academic & Community Relations Unified Campus Team Meeting, Hershey PA.
Watson, H. (2007, July). Health Sciences CIC Institutional Benchmarking, University Health Sciences Council, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2006, October). Faculty Development and Benchmarking Best Practices. World Campus Instructional Design and Development, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2006, October). Fish Philosophy. Human Resource Development Center, State College, PA.
Watson, H. (2006, September). How to Design, Develop and Deliver Training. Human Resource Development Center, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2000–2008, January). Children’s Creative Dramatics Integration with the Language Arts. State College Community Theater, State College, PA.
Watson, H. (2006, January). Learning and Teaching Styles: Bringing Out the Best in Your Students. Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Training Institute Faculty In-service, Harrisburg, PA.
Watson, H. (2006, January). Using Eventum to Track Projects. Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Training Institute Faculty In-service, Harrisburg, PA.
Watson, H. (2005, December). Using Eventum to Track Projects. Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Training Institute Staff In-service, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2005, December). Using Docushare for File Sharing. Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Training Institute Staff In-service, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. & Childers, J. (2003, February). Online Learning Communities: Impact on Learning in Continuing Education. Outreach Professional Development Conference: Partnership Power, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2002, November). Learning and Teaching Styles: Bringing Out The Best In Your Students. 12th Annual Strategies: Educational Excellence for Health Care Providers, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. & Childers, J. (2002, October). Online Learning Communities and Impact on Learning in Continuing Education. Outreach Scholarship 2002 Conference: A Catalyst for Change, Columbus, OH.
Watson, H. (2001, June). Literacy Issues in Rural Health Settings: Overcoming Barriers to Access. PA Rural Health Conference, Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (2001, April). Internet Essentials for the Adult Learner/Instructor. Long Island Staff Development Consortium, Long Island NY.
Watson, H. (2001, February). Basic Skill Certificates, Useful or Warm and Fuzzy? Pennsylvania Association of Adult and Continuing Education Midwinter Conference on Adult Education, Hershey, PA.
Watson, H. (2001, February). The Challenge: Make it Real, Using Authentic Workplace Materials for Instruction. Pennsylvania Association of Adult and Continuing Education Midwinter Conference on Adult Education, Hershey, PA.
Watson, H. (2001, February). Language Arts through Creative Dramatics. State College Community Theater, State College, PA.
Watson, H. (2001, January). Literacy Issues in Community Health Outreach: Overcoming Barriers to Access. Lock Haven Hospital, Lock Haven, PA.
Watson, H. (2001, January). America Reads Site Supervisor Training. Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Van Horn, B. & Watson, H. (2000, November). Outcomes of NIFL-Workplace Discussion List. National Institute for Literacy, Washington, DC.
Watson, H. (2000, June). Selling Education to Business and Industry. Literacy Volunteers of America New Jersey State Conference, Clarke, NJ.
Watson, H. (2000, June). The Challenge: Make it Real, Using Authentic Workplace Materials for Instruction. Literacy Volunteers of America New Jersey State Conference, Clarke, NJ.
Watson, H. (2000, June). Internet Essential Skills: Using the Internet for Adult Learning. Adult Learning and Technology Conference, Washington, DC.
Watson, H. (Presentation with P. Carman) (2000, March). Framework for Work-based Foundation Skills. Eastern Regional Adult Education Research Conference, University Park, PA.
Watson, H. (Presentation with Cheryl Hiester, Lancaster Lebanon IU#13) (2000, February). Framework for Work-based Foundation Skills. Pennsylvania Association of Adult and Continuing Education Midwinter Conference on Adult Education, Hershey, PA.